Force For Change…

Star Wars creator George Lucas is a strong supporter of children’s healthcare and education around the world. The team from LucasFilm’s philanthropic initiative, Force for Change, came to us requesting a campaign of gifts for disadvantaged children who are fans of the Star Wars series.
Perfection Promo produced hats, temporary tattoos, key lights, notebooks, buttons, and stickers with Star Wars or BB-8 logos which were given out at hospitals and events. The Force for Change team also requested a standard cinch bag, but we wanted to give our client something more unique and creative that would really stand out. We developed a custom BB-8 Cinch Bag, which replicated the exact look of popular droid BB-8 from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The client was thrilled with the creativity of this custom bag and really appreciated that we went outside the box to produce something special for them…